Blessed Ones

I am the Beauty that Dreams You into Being.

Your hearts longing connected to mine through infinite Love.

My Joy be your Joy

My Love be your Love

My Breath be your Breath

My Sigh be your Sigh

Dream the eternal dream and let Beauty be your Awakening Kiss…



Hello Lover of Beauty, what does your heart long to dream into being? 

This Goddess of Beauty emerged from the canvas, whispering her message to my heart, to remind me She is who I am, who we all are. 

If you would like to tap into the source of your hearts’ vision for 2017 and beyond please join me for your personal Wild Heart Medicine Painting Journey. This creative retreat is a gentle, yet powerful,  journey to  release your creative wisdom from the quiet, all knowing, radiating field of pure potential within your heart.



Awaken to Beauty